Planejamento Estratégico 2021-2024




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· Mission

Promoting the professional development and citizenship education of researchers for scientific development, knowledge sharing and ocean conservation.


· Vision

To be a program of academic excellence in marine sciences with cutting-edge infrastructure, scientific innovation and impact on society.

· Value Generated

To direct efforts and infrastructure towards training creative researchers committed to qualified scientific production. Seek to develop and consolidate resilient institutional relationships and disseminate knowledge, fundamental bases for the continuous evolution of marine sciences and innovation, to improve the quality of life and environmental health.

· Goals

Dimension – Training. Train human resources with innovative skills to solve current societal challenges and proactively contribute to the development of marine sciences.

Dimension – Search. Develop multiproxy research projects, involving both PPG research lines and in partnership with other institutions, seeking scientific excellence and attracting young researchers. Generate intellectual production of high academic impact and/or social relevance, becoming a reference for the community and subsidizing the management and conservation of marine environments with scientific knowledge. Raise funding for the expansion and maintenance of human resources and the improvement of field and laboratory infrastructure.

Dimension – Innovation and Knowledge Transfer. Create institutional channels of communication with society to capture demands and present solutions that contribute to improving the quality of life and resilient environments. Promote social/cultural/environmental, pedagogical and technological innovation that will generate sustainability, social insertion and practical solutions to the problems of the coastal and marine zone.

Dimension – Impact on Society. Contribute to the goals of the Decade of the Ocean and promote Oceanic Culture in order to respond to the demands of society and government.

Dimension – Internationalization. Build international arrangements that make it possible to improve infrastructure and our ability to produce knowledge and train human resources, attentive to global challenges, with emphasis on the South Atlantic.

· Strategic Matrix


OBJECTIVE : Train human resources with innovative skills to solve current challenges in society and proactively contribute to the development of marine sciences
Strategy Meta Action Responsible 2021 2022 2023 2024
Consolidate and improve the tools and practice of Self-Assessment and Strategic Planning (PE) By the middle of the second year of the quadrennium, all instruments necessary to follow up on the annual self-assessment and planning cycles will be finalized Continuity of PE Workshops Student Teachers Coordination X
Completion of the document referring to the EP X
Elaboration of the Self-Assessment Project ü X
Elaboration of the manual for completing the Lattes X
Development of a tool to extract information from Lattes X
Propose and implement a strategy to value participation in planning in the re-accreditation of permanent professors (DP) X X X
Conducting annual self-assessment and planning cycles X X X
Review and update the curriculum in line with the new Lines of Research (LP) By the end of the first year of the four-year period, having finalized the curricular adaptations Propose new electives Student Teachers Coordination X
Propose mandatory subjects per LP X
Review the relationship between Stage 1 of the Qualification and the subject “Projects in Oceanography” X
Review and/or propose a new format for carrying out Stage 2 of the Qualification X
Review Complementary Activities valuing accreditation for Intellectual Publication and the strategic needs of the Program X
Implement the doctorate By the end of the quadrennium to have the doctorate in operation Propose and implement a strategy to value exclusive dedication to the Program in the accreditation and re-accreditation of professors Faculty Coordination X X X
Elaboration and submission of the doctoral APCN X X
Beginning of the doctoral course X
Improve the ability to attract and retain students Achieve at least four new students per professor in the four-year period Propose and implement a strategy to value regularity in guidance in the re-accreditation of teachers Coordination Teachers Secretariat X X X
Schedule the selection periods annually according to the demand and aiming at the regularity of guidance X X X
Promote the wide dissemination of the selection process and as far in advance as possible X X X X
Propose and implement practices for dissemination and visibility of the Program X X X X


OBJECTIVES : To develop multiproxy research projects, involving both PPG research lines and in partnership with other institutions, seeking scientific excellence and attracting young researchersGenerate intellectual production of high academic impact and/or social relevance, becoming a reference for the community and subsidizing with scientific knowledge the management and conservation of marine environments

Raise funding for the expansion and maintenance of human resources and the improvement of field and laboratory infrastructure

Strategy Meta Actions Responsible 2021 2022 2023 2024
Encourage solidarity with programs in the geographic region At the end of the quadrennium, have formal agreements with 04 Programs Promote approximation meetings, events, cycle of lectures and discussion on projects and formalization of cooperation agreements Student Teachers Coordination X X X
Encourage the increase and regularity in the intellectual production of teachers with students and/or graduates By the end of the quadrennium, each professor will have at least 04 intellectual publications with students and/or graduates Review complementary activities valuing accreditation for bibliographic publication and technical and technological production Student Teachers Coordination X
Review the Program’s regiment, valuing the qualified bibliographic publication carried out before the conclusion of the course X
Propose and implement a strategy to value regularity in qualified bibliographic publication with students in the re-accreditation of professors X X X
Promote actions to qualify the development of bibliographic publication by students X X X X
Encourage the raising and contribution of resources in the Program By the end of the quadrennium, maintain between 33-66% the number of grants/year arising from research projects Propose and implement a strategy to value fundraising for scholarships in the re-accreditation of teachers Faculty Coordination X X X


OBJECTIVES : Create institutional channels of communication with society to capture demands and present solutions that contribute to improving the quality of life and resilient environmentsPromote social/cultural/environmental, pedagogical and technological innovation that will generate sustainability, social insertion and practical solutions to the problems of the coastal and marine zone
Strategy Meta Action Responsible 2021 2022 2023 2024
Encourage the creation and participation in institutional communication channels with society By the end of the four-year period, participation of 66% of professors and 33% of students Mapping the participation of professors and students and the institutional channels created or used for the promotion, popularization and dissemination of science and technology and propose and implement best practices for their registration and visibility Student Teachers Coordination X X X X
Propose and implement a strategy to value regional insertion in the accreditation and re-accreditation of professors X X X
Encourage the increase and regularity in technical or technological production (PTT) By the end of the four-year period, each professor will have at least 04 PTTs with student participation Review Complementary Activities valuing accreditation for technical and technological production Student Teachers Coordination X
Propose and implement a strategy to value technical and technological production in the re-accreditation of professors X X X


OBJECTIVE : Contribute to the goals of the Ocean Decade and promote Oceanic Culture in order to respond to the demands of society and government
Strategy Meta Action Responsible 2021 2022 2023 2024
Monitor participation in activities with an impact on society By the end of the quadrennium, having defined strategies and recording the impact on society of the actions of professors, students and graduates Systematize, discuss and develop ways to detect and record the impact on society of activities related to the decade of the ocean, oceanic culture and public policies at the local, state, federal and global levels that address the social, environmental, territorial and cultural rights of local communities and populations that aim at socio-environmental sustainability CoordinationStudent Teachers X X X
Monitor the impact of graduates on society Conduct annual follow-up of graduates Keep updated and propose best practices for monitoring the performance of graduates in society CoordinationSecretary

Student Teachers




OBJECTIVE : Build international arrangements that make it possible to improve infrastructure and our ability to produce knowledge and train human resources, attentive to global challenges, with emphasis on the South Atlantic
Strategy Meta Action Responsible 2021 2022 2023 2024
Encourage active participation abroad At the end of the quadrennium, have 100% of the professors participating in actions at the international level Propose and implement a strategy to value participation in postdoctoral studies, short-term internships, research networks, projects and international scientific commissions in the accreditation and re-accreditation of professors Coordinationteachers X X X
Organize and teach an international course with an emphasis on the South Atlantic X X
Encourage international agreements At the end of the quadrennium, have at least 4 active agreements Propose new or renew existing international agreements teachers X X X
Encouraging the participation of foreigners in the Program At the end of the quadrennium, hold at least 04 disciplines/events with foreigners Promote an annual discipline and/or event with the participation of a foreign professor Coordinationteachers X X X X