Research Groups and Projects

Learn more about the main Research Groups to which PPGOCEANO professors are linked:

The group of professors involved with PPGOCEANO is actively participating in five (5) National Institutes of Science and Technology (INCT’S) funded by CNPQ. These being:

– National Institute of Ocean and River Energy Science and Technology – INEOF: INEOF intends to promote, through institutional collaborations, multidisciplinary scientific research and excellent teaching related to the topics of ocean, tidal, hydrokinetic, river and offshore wind energy generating knowledge
strategy that contributes to the diversification of the energy matrix with respect for the environment. Through this proposal, the intention is to bring together the few research groups in Brazil working on energy at sea, low-head rivers and hydrokinetics or adherent activities, to trigger a consistent inter-institutional collaboration process with the valuable collaboration of international specialists that takes place in the generation of knowledge, prototyping and the training of
human resources in ocean and river energy.

– National Institute of Science and Technology for Continent-Ocean Material Transfer (INCT TMCOcean): This institute is headquartered at the Federal University of Ceará, under the coordination of Prof. doctor Luiz Drude de Lacerda, with the participation of fourteen research institutions, including the Federal University of Santa Catarina. The INCT TMCOcean aims to quantify the transport, transformation and fate of sediments, nutrients, organic matter and trace metals from the continent to the sea on the East-Northeast coast of Brazil and their interaction with local production chains and natural processes. Subsidize the construction of scenarios for the sustained development of the coastal region in the face of regional and global changes. Contribute to the reduction of regional inequalities regarding the training of human resources and advanced scientific development. The subprojects address research in the southern region of Brazil, the continental shelf of the State of Santa Catarina and Paraná.

-INCT-CARBOM: Environmental Characterization and Assessment of Oceanic Biogenic Resources of the Brazilian Continental Margin and Adjacent Oceanic Zone – CARBOM (IO-USP): This project is part of the network of National Institutes of Science and Technology, with funding from CNPq. It was conceived by the joint effort of an inter-institutional group of researchers, led by Prof. Frederico Brandini from the Oceanographic Institute of USP. Its objectives and hypotheses were formulated around a central theme: the inventory of carbon and chemical elements associated with the production of organic matter in the oceans and their annual fluxes between the biogeochemical compartments of the Brazilian continental margin and adjacent oceanic zone. Furthermore, the project aims to apply this information in socio-economic experiments using advanced and innovative technologies for the sustainable exploitation of fishing and biotechnological resources. Furthermore, the project intends to subsidize environmental public policies, on a national scale, helping to preserve and protect the physical and biological integrity of Brazilian marine ecosystems. On a global scale, the INCT-OCEANOS/CARBOM network aims to monitor the effects of climate change on the integrity of marine ecosystems in Brazil and assess the role of oceanographic processes in the global carbon cycle. helping to preserve and protect the physical and biological integrity of Brazilian marine ecosystems. On a global scale, the INCT-OCEANOS/CARBOM network aims to monitor the effects of climate change on the integrity of marine ecosystems in Brazil and assess the role of oceanographic processes in the global carbon cycle. helping to preserve and protect the physical and biological integrity of Brazilian marine ecosystems. On a global scale, the INCT-OCEANOS/CARBOM network aims to monitor the effects of climate change on the integrity of marine ecosystems in Brazil and assess the role of oceanographic processes in the global carbon cycle.

– INCT Mar COI – Integrated Oceanography and Multiple Uses of the Continental Shelf and Adjacent Ocean, Center for Integrated Oceanography. Three sub-networks coordinated by UFSC: Project funded by CNPq, within the scope of the National Institutes of Science and Technology program, lasting from 01/August/2012 to 31/July/2015 and total amount granted of R$ 14,992,339.00 . The main objective of the INCT Sea COI, whose coordination is in charge of FURG (Federal University of Rio Grande), is to implement and consolidate a network of institutions for the development of oceanographic research in the open sea, acting at the forefront of knowledge and contributing to the formation of human resources, transfer of knowledge to society and generation of public policies. The strategy adopted to achieve this objective and that of Public Notice MCT/CNPq/FNDCT 71/2010 is to structure seven inter-institutional research networks, four of them with the participation of PPGOC professors. The main hypothesis that permeates the project is that large-scale changes in ocean circulation, associated with changes in atmospheric circulation, will lead to considerable impacts on the biota of the Western South Atlantic Ocean. As an investigative focus, the heating and salinization processes of surface waters and deep environments of the Continental Shelf and Slope of the Brazilian coast stand out. Operationally, the establishment of basic conditions (“baselines”) of the different communities will be sought through consistent inventories of most of the habitats and components of these ecosystems.

– National Institute of Science and Technology for Climate Change (subprojects – Coastal Zones / Technological Products: Multi-Scale Modeling: Challenges for the Future / Bentos): This program aims at the implementation and development of a comprehensive interdisciplinary research network on climate change and It is based on the cooperation of 76 national research groups from all regions and 16 international research groups, involving more than 400 researchers, students and technicians and constituting the largest environmental research network ever developed in Brazil. This program is part of the so-called MCT/CNPq/FNDCT/CAPES/FAPEMIG/FAPERJ/FAPESP of National Institutes of Science and Technology (INCT-Clima). Mirroring the structure of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the Program is organized around three main scientific axes (scientific basis of global environmental changes; impacts-adaptation-vulnerability; mitigation) and also includes technological innovation efforts in climate system models, geo-sensors and natural disaster prevention systems. In this program, coordinated by Dr. Paulo Nobre (INPE), the OCEANO component coordinated by Dr. Edmo Campos (IO-USP) with the participation of Dr. Regina R. Rodrigues from UFSC, among other researchers from national and international institutions. Understanding the role of the ocean in climate change and the impacts of these changes on the marine ecosystem requires research and systematic observations of great complexity and high cost. Like this,


– SIMCosta – National Fund on Climate Change: Support for the implementation and maintenance of the Brazilian Coastal Monitoring System (SiMCosta): This project is part of the network of National Institutes of Science and Technology for Climate Change and the Coastal Zones Sub-network of REDE CLIMA and INCT, and has funding totaling R$ 6,000,000.00 by the Climate Fund, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, call 02000.002497/2011-97. The project was conceived and is currently led by one of the professors at PPGOCEANO, prof. Carlos Alberto Eiras Garcia, and relies on the joint effort of an inter-institutional group of researchers and the MMA. The main objective is to establish an alert system in case of extreme events and, with the continuity of the program, to be able to foresee the processes linked to the climatic effects, such as El Niño/La Niña events, and long-term trends. SimCosta aims, in the medium term, to serve the entire coastal region along the Brazilian territory. In the initial phase, it will serve the states of RS, SC, PR and SP (south-southeast region).

The Brazilian Research Network on Global Climate Change – Rede Clima is an important support pillar for the Research and Development activities of the National Climate Change Plan to meet national needs for knowledge on climate change, including the production of information for formulating public policies. Rede Clima is divided into several subnetworks and Profa. Regina R. Rodrigues coordinates, together with CEMADEN, the Natural Disasters Subnet. In the context of PPGOCEANO, the group works with the effects of the oceans on climate extremes that can lead to natural disasters. The focus is on understanding the mechanisms that lead to these extremes so that this information can help improve the prediction of such events. Rede Clima has the mechanisms to pass this information on to decision makers who can then mitigate the socioeconomic impacts on the population and build adaptation measures within the National Adaptation Plan (PPA). In this sub-network there is still the participation of Prof. Renato Silva. In the Coastal Zones sub-network, Prof. doctor Paul Horta, Prof. doctor Antonio HF Klein, and Prof. Paulo Pagliosa at ReBentos.

Additionally, the PPGOCEANO Group participates in the following networks:
a) Rebentos – Coordination of the Rodolitos WG (
b) BROA- Brazilian Network of Studies on Ocean Acidification (
c) Algae-Re Brasileira de Algae Biotechnology Network. Algae Network – National Network on Biotechnology of Marine Macroalgae, dedicated to the study of biodiversity and different applications of marine macroalgae, with special focus on biofuels, pharmaceuticals and products with applications in agriculture.