Area of ​​Concentration / Lines of Research

Concentration Area “ OCEANOGRAPHY ”: the area focuses on the investigation of abiotic and biotic systems, processes and phenomena in the marine environment. Highlights include the study of physical, chemical and geological processes characteristic of coastal areas, with special interest on the coast of Santa Catarina, the investigation of medium and large-scale oceanographic processes in the South Atlantic Ocean and research related to the determination of structure, function and dynamics populations, communities and coastal and ocean ecosystems. Research related to the use, management and conservation of marine systems complement the scope of the concentration area.

Line of Research “Dynamics and Interactions Sea-Land-Air and Human Actions (DIMAR)”:
The line aims to expand basic knowledge and generate applied research on:
1) The main hydrodynamic, geomorphological and sedimentological processes operating in the coastal zone and oceanic from the development of investigations of an experimental nature (field and laboratory) and theoretical (numerical modeling and spatial analysis);
2) The main processes of ocean circulation in the South Atlantic, their interaction with the atmosphere and possible consequences for the climate of South America;
3) Scientific, social and applied aspects related to the use and occupation of the coastal and marine zone, with a view to critical analysis and the design of environmental planning and management actions;
4) The scientific, social and applied aspects related to the use of the oceans, considering the legal framework and national and international policies.

Line of Research “Chemical, Biological and Socio-environmental Aspects of Marine Ecosystems (ECOMAR)”:
The line aims to promote the development of research on:
1) The dynamics of populations, communities and coastal and ocean ecosystems at different scales of socio-ecological processes and oceanographic data and their responses to local and global changes;
2) The dynamics of populations, communities and coastal and oceanic ecosystems, considering processes operating on a macro scale and the abiotic factors conditioning socio-environmental diversity;
3) The biogeochemical, geochemical and contaminant dynamics and their relationships with the Anthropocene;
4) Strategies for social engagement and dissemination of oceanic culture.