PPGOceano promove palestra com Andrew Cooper nesta sexta-feira, 23/10

20/10/2015 08:59

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O Programa de Pós-Graduação em Oceanografia promove nesta sexta-feira, 23 de outubro, às 10h, no Auditório do Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas (CFH), a palestra “Understanding and predicting decadal (Management)-scale coastal behaviour”, com o professor Andrew Cooper (Ulster University – Northern Ireland).

Abstract: Living with the coast requires an understanding of coastal change at timescales of several decades. A variety of approaches are used to understand past behaviour and predict future shoreline position. Applying a geomorphological approach to examples from Ireland and South Africa the patterns and drivers of coastal change will de described in order to assess the role of extreme events and progressive processes. Some comments will be offered on the alternative engineering/modelling approach.

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