Note of repudiation of misogynistic and homophobic comments involving members of the PPGQ-UFSC

02/03/2023 09:01

The professors of the Graduate Program in Oceanography at UFSC – PPGOCEANO-UFSC express their rejection of the misogynistic and homophobic comments involving members of the Graduate Program in Chemistry – PPGQ-UFSC.

This type of statement against segments historically victims of discrimination, segregation and persecution cannot be tolerated within this institution.

In this way, we hope that the PPGQ, the Department of Chemistry, the CFM, the PROPG and the PROAFE investigate the facts, welcome the victims and take the appropriate actions against the aggressor so that such violence is not normalized and does not happen again.

Yours sincerely,

Graduate Program in Oceanoraphy/UFSC